CCIE R&S Lab exam booked!

I have booked my CCIE Routing and Switching v5 lab exam. So, now, the real fun starts.

It is booked for July 10th at Feltham, in the UK. It is a mobile lab, so costs $1900, which equates to around £1200. There are hotels nearby, so I plan to get there the day before - after all, who wants to travel down on the morning and risk getting caught in traffic, or late/missed trains, and losing out on both the exam attempt and £1200!

I have seven full months to get prepared for it, which should be plenty of time.

My study plan, is a mix of learning and doing - after-all, there is no better method! So the plan (at the moment, but subject to change) is as follows:

Month Learn Do
December DMVPN & NAT DMVPN & NAT Labs
January EIGRP EIGRP Labs
February OSPF OSPF Labs
March BGP & MPLS refresher Revision & Labs
April Multicast & QoS Labs on both
May VTP, STP, PPP Small labs on weak areas
June Services*  Medium scale labs
July 1st - 9th Minor revision Full scale labs
July 10th Exam Celebrate / commiserate
July 18th Go on holiday Have fun
Most of my learning will be through reading, and by doing the Narbik labs.

The reading list is going to be:

Routing TCP/IP (volumes 1 & 2) by Jeff Doyle
Developing IP Multicast networks by Beau Williamson
Cisco QoS by Wendell Odom

This does mean that my planned books; Volume 3: DMVPN and NAT, and Volume 4: IGPs, will probably not be published until after the exam. Both are well under way, and will be added to as I go through, but writing a book is a long endeavour, and now I have a date for the exam I do need to work towards it, keeping my eyes on the prize, rather than letting the writing take all my time up. Besides, if I do pass then it will stop people leaving reviews saying "he's not even a CCIE" - which is true, but to me it's like saying "you can't teach me to swim, you are not a fish".

Anyway, I have a date, I have the books, I have plenty of time. Booking it has now lead to a slight increase in nerves, but also will help to focus me a lot more.

Onwards and upwards!

CCIE #49337, author of CCNA and Beyond, BGP for Cisco Networks, MPLS for Cisco Networks, VPNs and NAT for Cisco Networks.

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