CCDP passed, normal studies can now resume

I just sat and passed the CCDP exam.

Spending nearly a day and half flying to, around, and from the USA over the last two weeks gave me a lot of time to read the certification guide, as well as the other one I mentioned, after I passed the CCDA.

I would highly recommend both books. Especially the official guide.

I havn't finished all of the official guide, but I will continue reading it, as it is a very good book. Not just for the exam, but it's one of those books that every network engineer should read to understand more about how to properly design a network. I would give it a full five out of five stars. Well recommended!

The exam itself was pretty easy (thanks to the guide), a bit of routing protocol knowledge really does help, but I was done in about ten minutes. 55 questions, no drag and drops. Walked out feeling good.

So now it's back to CCIE.
104 days to go.

Time will fly.

I must say that I don't really feel prepared at the moment. I do know my stuff, I feel confident that given unlimited time to sit the exam I would pass with full marks. Unlimited time, however, is not an option.

So, how best to prepare? How best to makes sure I can do what's requested in the limited amount of time?

My wife is very understanding, thankfully, and she knows that I need more time to study at the weekends. The flip-side of this is that I also want to spend time with my family. The boys are at a great age now of three and a bit, where they are fun to play with. So, really, I am not one of those people who can do 12 hours a day study, partly by choice, partly due to other commitments (and my family is far more important that a qualification, really).

So, although I can squeeze some more study time out, it's about working smarter, not harder.

Still trying to come up with a plan though!

If any of you have any ideas, then I'd really like to hear them!

CCIE #49337, author of CCNA and Beyond, BGP for Cisco Networks, MPLS for Cisco Networks, VPNs and NAT for Cisco Networks.

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