Month five done, seven to go

Welcome to 2014 everyone! Hope you have had a great holiday, and a happy new year to all!

It's going to be a short post today. Things are going well, and, admittedly, although I have gone off on a little tangent, I have been studying pretty hard this month. I finished work mid-December and am back at work tomorrow. It's been a good holiday, fairly relaxing, I even cooked all the Christmas dinner (pork with crackling), all by myself (but my mum did chop the sprouts for me). Drunk a lot of wine and played with my boys. can't ask for more really. It's been a good end to 2013.

January is looking to be an exciting month, but I can't really say at the moment why. Sorry, but I will tell more as and when I can.

I havn't progressed much further in the QoS side of things, but am working on something pretty big. It's still CCIE related, so I havn't lost focus, if anything it has served to focus me more, it just means that it might prolong things a bit. I am pretty excited about it and hope to have it complete within the next couple of weeks, it's certainly the biggest and most concentrated thing I have done since my Psychology dissertation.

In the end though I think it will help others going through the CCIE as well, and hopefully it will be the start of something that will continue, especially as the new V5 is now firmly on the horizon.

Anyway, like I said, its a short post today. So happy new year all, and hopefully 2014 will bring CCIE numbers to many of you!

CCIE #49337, author of CCNA and Beyond, BGP for Cisco Networks, MPLS for Cisco Networks, VPNs and NAT for Cisco Networks.

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