Month four done, eight to go

Studies are starting to pick up again, mainly because I am trying to push myself a bit more. I have finally finished BGP in the Odom book, and now it's on to QoS. Not the most interesting topic, but then not all every topic will be, you got to take the rough with the smooth really.

I am spending a bit too much time playing with the layour of this blog though. I am sure that this time could be better spent... But it does keep me amused, and I know that I need to do things other than study otherwise I will start to burn out and things won't get learned.

CCIE and home life

My shoulder is much better now, it cost a couple of hundred in chiropractor bills, but all I am left with is a slightly tingly end to one of my fingers, but at least it's not complete agony! I had my 36th birthday as well, and the wife took me to a cabaret club in London (the Wam Bam Club) - we had an excellent night, ended up getting exceedingly drunk and can't remember some parts of getting home, but we did at least make it home.

I have booked some time off in the lead up to and through Christmas, should be able to get some studying some there, I would like to get through QoS and move on to Multicast, not sure if I will go through Frame Relay as I will probably get the V5 when I am taking the exam, and all signs point to the fact that Frame Relay will not appear on the V5 - more details will be released in January so I can always go back to that if it does remain on the new blueprint.

CCIE and work life

Things are quietening down in the build up to Christmas, so am managing to get little snippets done at work. Still ironing out a few Lync "issues" but its business as usual mainly.

CCIE #49337, author of CCNA and Beyond, BGP for Cisco Networks, MPLS for Cisco Networks, VPNs and NAT for Cisco Networks.

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