The day before the CCIE lab

I have checked in to the hotel. It's nothing fancy, but it is close, it has beer, and the staff are friendly.


I am now known as Mr. Reese, due to my Reese's chocolate t-shirt. That's the kind of welcome I like after a 2 hour drive into outer London. 

So did I manage to keep up to my schedule for the week? Yes and no. I got called into a meeting at work, and spent a very large part of Tuesday building a lab to solve the work issue. 

Other than that, it has pretty much gone according to plan. I have watched the majority of the INE cram videos, and picked up a couple of tips in the way. I did another 360 config, and learned from my mistakes. 

I pushed myself for most of the week, but totally slacked off today. Being the day before the exam, you'd think that I would be pulling out all the stops and getting every last little bit of information that I could, however, to be perfectly honest, I am feeling tired and a little bit burnt out. 

It's been a good week, but tiring. 

The CCIE is no easy effort. It requires time, dedication, and is an exhausting process. 

So do I feel ready?

Not sure really. 

My good friend and colleague from work passed his on Monday, and given the external factors he's had to contend with, I really must congratulate him on passing when others in the same circumstances would have let these factors overwhelm them, and not be able to pass. So he's done great, and it really gives me a good feeling that I can pass this. We have bounced ideas off each other, worked through scenarios and spoken at great length about the process needed to do well, and it is a process, especially in the troubleshooting section.

When I sat Narbik's course and he said that if you have the right process then you will pass, I sat there thinking "There's a process?how do I get a process?", well actually that came pretty easy in the end and I think I have one that should serve me well. It's nothing magical, it's just a list of command to cover most eventualities, and hopefully it'll work tomorrow. 

Tonight is all about the final pointers; get my aliases in my head, a bit of light reading, and an early night. 

It's up early tomorrow, I plan for a 7am start, grab a Starbucks, and off to Cisco!

After one last beer. 

more beer!


CCIE #49337, author of CCNA and Beyond, BGP for Cisco Networks, MPLS for Cisco Networks, VPNs and NAT for Cisco Networks.

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9 July 2015 at 13:59 delete

Great blog and very best of luck!

10 July 2015 at 02:52 delete

Ahhh, sorry, I guess I'm too late to wish u all the best, but at least I'll keep my fingers crossed for you :-)

10 July 2015 at 03:39 delete

Good luck Stuart!
